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여행 영어

해외 식당에서 주문때 주로 쓰는 표현


영어에서 존댓말은 없으리라는 착각


우리는 흔히 생각할 때 영어에는 존댓말이 없다고 생각합니다. 맞는 말이기도 하고, 틀린 말이기도 합니다. 왜냐하면, 원칙적으로는 존댓말이 없지만, 식당에 서라든가 카페, 극장 등등에서 주문을 할 때 그들만이 쓰는 존대가 있기 때문입니다. 우리도 카페에서 "커피 한잔 줘"라고 말한다면, 아무리 나이 든 어른이라도 기분이 상할 수밖에 없습니다. 여기에는 "주세요"라는 "would"를 넣은 문장을 만들어야 공손한 표현이 됩니다.


We often assume that there are no honorifics in English, but this may be both right and wrong. In principle, English does not have honorifics, but there are situations such as when ordering at restaurants, cafes, theaters, etc., where certain honorific expressions are used. For instance, if we simply say "give me a cup of coffee" at a cafe, regardless of age, it can come across as rude or offensive. Therefore, in such cases, it is appropriate to use a sentence with "would, " which functions as a polite request or expression of courtesy.


그리고 '먹다'라는 표현을 한국 사람들은 'eat'로만 알고 쓰고 있지만 사실 'have'라는 단어가 더 광범위하게 사용되고 있습니다. 서로 비슷한 의미로 사용되지만, 궂이 차이를 비교하자면, have는 좀 더 넓은 광범위한 범위에서 먹는 것을 의미한다면, eat는 먹는 행위에 더 구체적으로 중점을 두고 있습니다.


While Koreans typically use the verb 'eat' to refer to the act of consuming food, the word 'have' is also commonly used. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, 'have' has a broader range of meanings that can include possessing, partaking, or consuming something, while 'eat' specifically focuses on the act of consuming food.



식당에서 / At a restaurant


Would you like to see the menu?

I would like the salmon, please.

Could we have some bread, please?

Would it be possible to have our orders served separately?

I'm not sure what to order, would you recommend anything?

Would you mind bringing us some extra napkins?

Would it be okay to substitute the fries for a salad?

I would like to pay the bill, please.

Would it be possible to have the steak cooked medium-rare?

I would appreciate it if we could have a table by the window, if available.



카페에서 / At a cafe


Customer: Hi, I'd like to order a latte, please.

Barista: Sure thing, what size would you like?

Customer: I'll have a medium, please.

Barista: Great, and would you like any flavorings or add-ins, like caramel or whipped cream?

Customer: No, just a regular latte, please.

Barista: Got it. Would you like anything else?

Customer: Actually, can I also get a croissant?

Barista: Of course, we have plain, chocolate, and almond croissants. Which one would you like?

Customer: I'll go with the chocolate one, please.

Barista: Excellent choice. Your latte and croissant will be ready in just a few minutes.

Customer: Thank you so much.

Barista: You're welcome. Have a great day!

